
Rezensionen von KursteilnehmernAbdominal sonography course: Basic Liver Pathologies


Donnerstag, 20.04.2017

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Veranstaltungsort  /  Anfahrt

RAI Amsterdam
1078 GZ Amsterdam
The Netherlands


18:30 - 20:00

Other Courses


The sonography course for beginners is intended for physicians with no or minimal experience in abdominal sonography.
The major aim is to experience what it is like to perform ultrasonography.
The focus is on anatomy, i.e. the recognition of the large abdominal organs and structures with emphasis on the liver.
After the course, you will not only be able to recognize the abdominal organs (e.g. liver, kidneys, spleen), but will also be able to find the major liver vessels (portal vein, hepatic artery, liver veins), gallbladder, and the biliary tree. Important signs of liver cirrhosis will be learnt and you will be guided through the abdomen by means of a sonography-simulator demonstrating the pathology most frequently seen in practice, such as decompensated liver cirrhosis with ascites, hepatocellular carcinoma, cholecystolithiasis, and much more.

Learning objectives:
- how to handle a probe and a sonography machine by means of a sonography-simulator
- focus on anatomy: how to find the liver, the large liver vessels, and other important structures
- identification of pathology most frequently seen: cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma, ascites, portal hypertension, biliary abnormalities.

Liste der zur Verfügung stehenden Kasuistiken am Schallware Simulator für hands-on Training mit Puppe und Dummy-Sonde

Rote Balken entsprechen schallbare Aufnahmevolumen. Pfeile zeigen interkostale Fächer-Volumen (fans) an.
Fälle wurden zum Beispiel mit Konvex-, Linearsonde und im Farbdopplermodus zu verschiedenen Zeitpunkten aufgezeichnet. Unter Details finden Sie eine Liste von Bildern, die die Regions of Interest (ROIs) des Falles anzeigen. Der Simulator kann Sie zu einer solchen Struktur (ROI) automatisch führen (bubble in space).

Patient 59FNH in S5convexDetails
Patient 91Severe steatohepatitis, Asc.-Decompensation, HCCconvexDetails
Patient 100DLT, NHL Liver, infiltrated intestine, bilateral pleural effusion, gallbladder wall edema (hypalbuminemia)convexDetails
Patient 111Primary sclerosing cholangitis PSCconvexDetails
Patient 118Liver cysts, M.Crohn, Adenomyomatosis, cholecystolith., nephrolith., stenosis of ileoc. anastomosisconvex, linearDetails
Patient 120Hepaticojejunostomy, aerobilia, renal cyst, pancreatic pseudo cystconvexDetails
Patient 125Free fluid, renal cysts, arteriosclerosisconvexDetails
Patient 132Bright liver tumors, splenomegalyconvexDetails

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